תרומות וישועות  - לחץ כאן לפרטים נוספים

‘Elaka d’Meir Anenu’ – Rabbi Meir baal haNess

תרומות וישועות - חבת ירושליםRebi Meir, a Tanna who was surrounded by the supernatural, by miracles. Miracles that we pray for every day and wish would be ours, too. ‘A miracle, please G-d – a miracle!’ the suffering Jew cries out in his pain, pours out his heart to his Creator, his loving Father, and with a trembling hand he approaches the charity-box of Rebi Meir baal HaNes and deposits a sum for the cause of the settlers in the holy Land. In a plaintive whisper he pleads, ‘Elaka d’Rebi Meir, Aneni!’ – G-d of Rebi Meir, answer me!

In our hands we hold the powerful treasure, passed down through the generations: the secret of contributing towards the welfare of Jews living in the Holy Land, in memory of the soul of this great Tanna. His is a soul that longs to come back to life if only to live in the Promised Land.
‘G-d of Rebi Meir, answer us, on the day we call out to You!’

Prayer at the Grave of Rabbi Meir Baal haNess

Many a tearful prayer is offered up with fervor at the gravesite of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess in Teveria. Each year on the Yahrzeit of the great Sage, the 14th of Iyar, Torah scholars and leaders of the generation visit the grave of Rebi Meir, where they immerse themselves in prayer and mention amongst their supplications the names of those who contribute towards the Fund.
Jews the world over wish to donate towards the Rebi Meir baal HaNess Fund, and at frequent intervals the young men of the Kollel gather to pray at the Kosel or at the gravesite itself on behalf of these benefactors, their partners.
The Kollel accepts ‘Kvittel’ (requests) from all over the world, and the names can be given to the administrators of the Kollel.